9 things to make a building healthy

Buildings have a big impact on our health and wellbeing. This is true of our homes, workplaces, public properties, and also any neighbouring structures. With good design every building can have a positive influence. If you are looking for this kind of property our team can help. We are an architect London clients come to with confidence we can exceed their expectations.

In May the Healthy Buildings Team at Harvard University revealed research they have been doing into improving the built environment. They list 9 foundations that will create healthy buildings. Because these could be very important, we will go through them below.


If there is poor circulation the air in a property will stagnate and can lock in dust and other contaminants. As a result the health of inhabitants can seriously suffer. Outdoor and recirculating air should go through filtration to remove pollutants.

Air Quality

A surprising number of things can affect the quality of the air in a home. Building materials as well as furnishings can release chemical emissions. As a result it is good practice to use low emission options.

Thermal Health

Properties are very uncomfortable if they don’t have sufficient heating or cooling. The key to overcoming fluctuations in temperature is to maintain consistent levels. This can also help tackle humidity.


The big issue with moisture is it can lead to damp. It is wise to be proactive with finding sources of moisture and also addressing them. The same should be done with condensation spots.


Cut down on dust levels with regular cleaning. Preventative measures should be in place to stop entry and deter pests. Ensure food and rubbish can be stored as well as disposed of effectively.

Safety and security

Buildings will be more comfortable when they are safe and secure. Suitable emergency protocols should be in place, especially for fire. Properties should also have the correct lighting.

Water Quality

No properties should have to deal with dirty or contaminated water supplies. Ensure the infrastructure will not allow stagnation and be proactive with testing as well as purification.


External noise can really increase stress levels and disrupt people. Properties can be soundproofed to minimise noise. Similar steps can also ensure indoor sounds don’t travel.

Lighting and Views

Workspace and living areas should have sightlines to windows. This improves lighting and also gives people a view outside. Both are very important.

As you can see, each of these 9 things is important. As an architect London clients love working with, we can consider each of them on any kind of project. Contact us today to find out more.