ARB and RIBA disagree on education reforms

The ARB has been working on reforms for architectural education for a long time now. Their goal is to tackle major issues in the industry, including inclusion, diversity, skills, and the climate. However, their proposals have generated some criticism, particularly from RIBA. Let’s have a closer look at the situation, then if you need help from the best architects in London, you can contact us.


Architects LondonARB actually had an initial proposal to reform education in 2021. Last week they revealed the responses to their Tomorrow’s Architects plan. The reforms would replace the current three-part qualification, introducing a two-part system in its place. The change would introduce a new set of competencies and minimum regulatory requirements.

The most interesting thing about the reforms is it would emphasise testing what architects can do. It would be a move away from checking to see what they know. In this sense, it would have a closer focus on skills instead of knowledge.

RIBA’s response

RIBA chose to respond to ARB’s proposals in May by publishing a 13-page reply. In it they establish their formal opposition to the changes. They also went as far as to say that these reforms could cause some architecture schools in the UK to close.

A major concern is that scrapping the three-part qualification could have an impact on a global level. The current system has recognition all around the world. As a result, architects who complete their education in the UK can work in various countries. Changing to a two-part system would scrap this. It may impact architectural education in the UK.

There are also concerns about a lack of detail about how a new system would address key competencies such as the climate and building safety. These are in part 1 of the current three-part system. RIBA feels there should be more info to show architecture education would ensure future architects have the skills and knowledge they need to deal with these challenges.

Finally, RIBA was also critical that the reform plan does not open the profession more. They want to see key things like shorter routes to registration, a reduction in student debt, and more flexibility in how people can learn. All of these things would remove barriers to boost inclusion and diversity.

It will be interesting to see how ARB responds to the critiques. Ideally they should work with RIBA to devise reforms for the best of the industry so they support the next generations of architects.

Do you need help from architects in London?

Coffey Architects is a fantastic practice with a wonderful team. We work to provide the finest services for all clients. In addition, we help to train people who want to join the professional by regularly inviting them to come and do some work experience here.

So, if you want to discuss anything with the best architects in London, speak to us. We can look at all kinds of proposals and bring them to life.