Celebrating pioneering self build projects

Two iconic self build sites in London celebrate turning thirty years old this year. Walthers Way and Segal Close are iconic for the designs of the homes and the fact that they were built by the passionate original residents. No other project in the UK showcases how much it is worth taking the opportunity to build your own home. The properties in both areas are filled with light, have great personalities, and are peaceful thanks to the extensive use of timber in their construction.

The two areas in Lewisham feel like worlds apart from the rest of the capital. There is also a great sense of community. Thirty years ago when people were building the homes it was common to see them working together to get them done. This feeling of cooperation and neighbourliness continues to this day.

Both self build sites are celebrated in a new book and promoted the process of building your own home at its best. The Government is trying to encourage more people to choose this option, creating architecture that stands out and better serves their needs. The most passionate architects London has are on hand to help people in the capital looking at this option.

One of the most surprising things about the architecture in Walthers Way and Segal Close is that the properties are adaptable. The self build nature means it is easier to make adjustments. For example the internal layout could be adjusted over time and to suit specific purposes as long as structural walls are kept in place.

The homes in both areas in Lewisham have become so iconic that their values have risen substantially. When they were built the average cost was around £20,000 thanks to support from the Government. Now they sell for around £800,000, a huge return on the initial investment.

At Coffey Architects we love architecture that stands out. The self build homes at Walthers Way and Segal Close definitely deserve their reputation and high regard. We hope they continue to inspire people for the next thirty years and lead to more projects all across the capital and the whole of the UK.

We are proud to be the home of the most passionate architects London has to offer. If you are planning a project, particularly if it is self build, we would be happy to help with designs, project management, and anything else you need us for.