The world is looking at architecture in Astana

Astana became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997, replacing the former capital of the soviet state Almaty. The change was planned specifically and a lot of work went in to creating a brand new city that had minimal architecture from the Stalinist period. The task to design the new capital was awarded to Kisho Kurokawa, a Japanese architect, in 1998.

With Astana hosting Expo 2017 the work to create a brand new city that celebrates the unique identity of the country is in the spotlight. Although work is still underway and some projects are not due to finish until 2030, there is still plenty of incredible things to see.

It is clear to see that Astana is using architecture to establish its identity. The designs are ambitious and modern, giving the whole city a futuristic feel. Brand new entire districts are being created and numerous old buildings are being replaced.

The layout of the new capital is based on the model used in Berlin. This sees parks and rivers interspersed with the modern buildings. As a result the whole area combines natural and man-made features.

There are plenty of new buildings worth mentioning. Akorda Presidential Palace stands out for its gold and blue dome topped by an 80 metre tall spire. The skyline in this part of the city is enhanced further by a pair of golden towers made of glass.

In the very centre of Astana is a 62 metre tall pyramid. The building is the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, home of several attractions including the national opera house, a cultural museum, and art galleries. The pyramid is surrounded by parkland and fountains.

The Astana Music Hall is eye-catching too. It also sits in the middle of parkland. The image of a giant mosaic jug partially buried in the ground is instantly recognisable. The interior is just as incredible, offering a modern venue for all kinds of events, lounge and jazz bars, and a restaurant.

The development of Astana is incredible and shows what can be achieved when a country focuses on architecture when establishing its identity. At Coffey Architects we can appreciate all of the work going on and the amazing designs. We try to instil the same passion and creativity in our work.

If they ever need help from a passionate architect London clients only need call us. We will focus solely on the project and work to get the very best results.