Architecture straight out of a fairy tale

Hollywood gave rise to some incredible movies in the 1920s but they aren’t the only lasting reminder of the period. Potentially the most eye-catching thing to come from this time is the fairy tale architecture seen in pockets across the US. These buildings look like they come straight from the pages of a story and have become unique, highly treasured properties as a result.

One of the great things about this style of architecture is it is not academic. This gives rise to more experimentation and designs that celebrate imperfections. Fairy tale homes tend to have an exaggerated design where unusual lines are normal. As a result they can have some really unexpected angles and volumes.

The little details in fairy tale homes show some really incredible creativity and workmanship. One of the biggest challenges was creating buildings that looked much older than they actually are. Aging something artificially takes a lot of skill and there are some incredible designs that pull it off effectively.

The fairy tale style was born in the south of California before spreading across the US. The onset of the Great Depression meant a big shift in styles and stopped the movement. Although this is sad in itself it has actually meant the homes that were built are now rarer and more beloved.

Surprisingly the architectural style owes a lot to the First World War. Numerous American soldiers got to see European culture at this time, particularly in rural parts of France and Belgium. The quaint architecture in these areas was hugely different to what they were used to at home. It inspired a period where revival architecture was very popular. The fairy tale style was a natural offshoot of this.

There are a number of stunning examples of fairy tale architecture, both in America and further afield in England and France. The designs celebrate eccentricity and creativity; not surprising they strike a chord with so many people.

At Coffey Architects we have grown to be a highly regarded architect London clients can call on for creative designs by taking inspiration from far and wide. Although we have a passion for academic architectural styles there is a lot to be said about those like the fairy tale style that allowed such experimentation. The fact these buildings look so amazing surrounded by more typical designs makes them even more wonderful.