Exploring the impact of urban density

On Tuesday October 3rd members of the Coffey Architects team attended the Van Alen Institute International Council meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The event brought leaders from the fields of architecture, development, planning, and design together to discuss issues in cities. Attendees came from 15 different countries, bringing a wealth of experience and unique insights. As an architect London clients can trust to address current issues with them, we were proud to attend and expand our knowledge.

The fall meeting was held in Brazil specifically because the theme was to look at the challenges and opportunities that come from the level of density in the country. Local architects and planners took to the stage to discuss the results of developments, including those that were planned and spontaneous ones.

Several key issues were explored at the meeting, including:

- The cultural perception in regards to urban density
- How high density developments affect the accessibility of infrastructure
- The potential for dense developments to drive positive urban change

The panel discussions were held in English and Portuguese. The whole event was designed to share ideas and look closely at issues and how they can be resolved with good planning, design, architecture, and positive development.

Alongside the discussion a guided tour from the incredible Casa de Vidro (Glass House) to the Paraisopolis neighbourhood in Sao Paulo was held. This gave attendees at the meeting a firsthand look at the cultural impact of density in urban neighbourhoods. A specific look was taken at the Glass House and the way that design can promote positive change in communities.

The event showcased the good work that the Van Alen Institute International Council does, providing more insight into issues and exploring solutions. Events like this are important for pushing the fields of architecture, design, development, and planning on.

If you would like to find out more about our take on urban development and the issues or opportunities, please get in touch. We are one of the best teams to work with if you want an architect London clients rely on.