What is commercial architecture?

Commercial architecture involves the design of structures and buildings for use by businesses or companies. This particular area of our field has a focus on combining style with function to meet the requirements of a range of business types. The impact of such design can be seen in many major city centres, where most buildings are for commercial purposes.

One of the main functions of designing and building structures is to provide protection from the elements. The basic structural requirements are easily satisfied by building the simple shelter, but an architect’s job is to include unique design elements that meet future needs.

The sector of commercial architecture has very old origins. Greek and Roman structures include elaborate features such as meeting rooms and courtyards. Today, similar features are integrated in building projects. These projects have four stages: understand client requirements, determine location, make a design proposal and submit costs and a project plan.

The start of the process is to meet with the client and look over their requirements. The more details provided, the more accuracy there will be for the proposal. It’s wise to meet with as many people within an organisation as possible so a complete understanding is gained for how they conduct business.

It is important to meet with the client at the proposed site. That way details can be specified. Architects tend to look at the other buildings in the surrounding area in order to get a feel for the height, style, use of colour and physical presence.

Many commercial architectural firms create concept drawings and designs for clients to look over, along with scale models of the design. All these steps help to visualise the project. Once the design concept has been approved, the budget aspect starts. Any prepared project plans, costs, time lines and decision points must be consulted with the client before any building can begin.

Coffey Architects are highly experienced in the process of commercial architecture, and strive to meet every need of each client. If you require our expertise, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.