Is there a single solution for the housing market?

The housing market is so turbulent because of the number of factors that influence it and how quickly they can change. Most importantly the needs of residents are always evolving. This can make it very tricky to solve any crises and meet supply challenges. Even if enough homes could be built quickly, would they cater for all of the different requirements?
This situation is the reason why there can’t ever be a single solution to the issues. There are all kinds of different projects that suggest they could fix the housing market. Think about things like pocket houses, pre-fabrication, and even working to convert the most challenging Brownfield sites. Although they can help, a mixture of them is required rather than one single solution.

As one of the most forward thinking architects London has to offer, we have spent a lot of time thinking about housing. How could we not, especially when we have been involved in so many different projects in the field?

An important thing to look at is the help and support big housing developers need. Although they may be able to provide housing in larger numbers, can they do this effectively on their own? If they do generally the result are estates of homes with very similar designs. Unfortunately this means they only appeal to a smaller target market.

A better alternative would be for the developers to work with architects from the outset. That way they can be more creative with designs and work to provide homes to meet various needs.

Similar cooperation is needed between local councils and architects. Just look at how successful the council-led project in Croydon has been. They came up with a unique idea and have achieved award-winning results. More projects could follow this pattern, resulting in the creation of a new generation of quality social housing.

Many smaller projects across the UK are showing that getting rid of formulaic designs can be beneficial. This can allow designs to suit the setting and specific needs of those who will live in the area.

At Coffey Architects we always have optimism for the future. This has helped us become one of the most noteworthy architects London has to offer. If you have any questions for us, please get in touch.