A new gateway in place of Old Street Roundabout

Old Street Roundabout sits on the boundary between the London Boroughs of Islington and Hackney. It is a busy transport interchange also known as Silicon Roundabout because of the number of technology businesses in the area. Plans are in place to transform the infrastructure though, returning the road to a two way system. In December 2017 a design competition was launched to create a new gateway to the area.
Over 100 submissions were received for the Old Street Iconic Gateway project. These have now been narrowed down to a longlist of 39. The listed projects are being displayed at 3 Old Street Yard from February 12th until March 2nd. People are invited to visit and have a look before casting their vote on which they like the most. A judging panel will then look at the results and give their own opinions before deciding on a winner.

The project has a unique set of requirements. The idea is to create new infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists. The latter is very important because the junction is one of the most dangerous for cyclists in the whole of London, resulting in numerous accidents and injuries. Segregated cycle lanes with their own signage and dedicated pedestrian crossings will be created.

We are proud to reveal that our proposal for the new gateway has made it on to the longlist and will be featured in the display. This further shows that our reputation as one of the most creative architects London has is well deserved. Our proposal is special because it looks to create a beautiful gateway that also helps to reduce pollution and pace. It will improve safety dramatically too.

The new development will make the area far more pleasant and reflect the developments going on nearby. The abundance of technology businesses in the area mean there is a creative and innovative feel. The new gateway will reflect this.

If you are interested in seeing all of the proposals, including ours, please go along to the display while you have the chance. You can cast your vote if you want to have a say in how the area will look in the future.