How to save space in smaller homes?

Around the world there are projects to create smaller homes. There are a number of different reasons for this including the fact that space in big cities is at a premium. In addition population growth and housing demand remain high. It is quicker to build a small home, especially if pre-fabrication is possible.

What are the best ways to save space?

All micro homes have one important thing in common; there should be no wasted space. This can be tricky in many cases, especially if the dimensions are odd. There are a number of different ways to make the most of the room though.

Sliding doors

It is surprising how much space a hinged door can actually take up. They need enough space so that the door can open and people can step over the threshold. All of this room then completely goes to waste because the route can’t have obstructions. A better option would be to opt for sliding doors. They save a great deal of room because they don’t open outwards.

Integrated storage

Almost any free piece of space could be storage, especially with bespoke cabinets or shelving. Think about making use of the height of the walls too rather than leaving the upper parts bare.

Use the right building materials

The challenge with smaller homes is ensuring they are warm and well ventilated. With larger properties there is more space for insulation. Using timber is a great idea because it is naturally warmer. Orientating the property so it gets as much sunlight shining on it as possible is also wise.

An added bonus of timber is it is sustainable and perfect for pre-fabrication. This could provide fantastic benefits in terms of the carbon footprint of homes and the time it takes to build them.

Coffey Architects has experience working on small homes. Our team have come up with some cutting edge ideas to maximise space. Importantly, we ensure that designs focus on the wellbeing of inhabitants. All of these things have helped establish our reputation. As a result, we are now a well regarded architect London based clients rate highly. We understand the spatial concerns in the city and plan projects carefully.

If you would like to discuss anything with us please get in touch.