Can architecture help tackle flood problems?

Architecture has the power to create sustainable cities that won’t harm the environment. We strongly believe in this and aim to promote it with each of our designs. This focus has helped us to become one of the best architects London has to offer.

The tricky thing is designing urban areas that are able to cope with the various challenges they are faced with. Among these is the risk of flooding and the mounting problems caused by global warming.

In the last decade the number of severe floods seen around the world has increased dramatically. This is down to a number of reasons including climate change. A warmer climate results in rising sea levels as the polar ice melts. It also increases the volume of water in oceans and seas and causes longer periods of heavy rainfall. As a result cities can experience more flood problems.

How can architecture help with flood protection?

There are a number of ways to protect against flooding. Firstly it is important to plan cities properly, ensuring they are not located on traditional floodplains. Sadly lack of land can make this impossible in many big cities. When homes have no choice but to be located in areas where flooding is a serious risk, properties should be designed to withstand it. The local infrastructure should also focus on flood defence.

In addition there are a number of different elements that can help reduce the risk of flooding. Things like green roofing, permeable surfaces for paving and parking spaces, urban forests, and appropriate drainage can all help.

On top of this it is wise to involve different stakeholders in the fight against flooding. Architects can work with local communities, governments, businesses, and even non-profit organisations.

Coffey Architects understands the threats that flooding pose. We can help clients looking to address the issue, whether they are planning a domestic project, a commercial one, or large public works. We are passionate and highly trained, making us the perfect team to call on.

If you want help from some of the best architects London has to offer, please contact us. We are always happy to discuss projects and can contribute however you want us to.