The AJ Retrofit Awards 2018 shortlists

In our last article we wrote about how to make commercial buildings more sustainable, including making them adaptable. In this one we look at the biggest awards event for retrofitting. As one of the most accomplished architects London has operating in this field, we love seeing deserving projects getting the recognition they deserve.

The AJ Retrofit Awards 2018 will celebrate projects that look to benefit the built environment by re-purposing buildings. Prizes are available in several different categories, including cultural, leisure, listed building, and also offices of various sizes. The presentation is taking place on 12th September.


This year has been a very interesting one already for the awards. Earlier in the year the deadline for submissions was extended until 25th May. The idea was to give people more time to submit.


Between the deadline for submissions and the start of July, judges spent time considering all of the projects. They then chose which ones to place on the shortlists for each category. The finalists have now been released, showcasing which projects are the best in their categories.

It is our pleasure to have a place on the shortlist for Office under 2,000 square metres. Our project, Imperial Works, is a former piano factory dating back to the 19th century. At the time it was currently offices but there were several problems with the building. As a result we had the challenge of redeveloping the property, boosting its performance.

The main problems were poor circulation and worn out materials. The building was out of date and in desperate need of regeneration. Sadly several proposals were unable to secure planning permission. Ours was successful though because the design is discreet and unlocks the potential of the property. A roof extension and improvements in the access bring more light into the property.

Our project is a great example of why you should improve rather than demolish. The design complements and improves the existing building. Original features like cast iron beams and columns as well as brickwork and timber were all preserved.

There are plenty of other great projects up for awards, including some by the most renowned architects London has. You can view them all on the Architects’ Journal website.