Hotel bedrooms must be silent and dark

Throughout the years, we’ve taken part in a wide variety of endeavours. We’ve had the pleasure to design and build everything from homes to hotels, and we don’t intend to slow down anytime soon. As the employer of some of the greatest architects London has, we can deliver the results you’re after for highly competitive rates.

Hotel design consists of various stages, including designing bedrooms. Having the world’s foremost beds isn’t important if your rooms are similar to a floodlit motorway crossing. Your bedrooms must be silent as well as darkened. This way, patrons can actually sleep on their beds without becoming distressed.

Fabricating darkness within a room means that you need to create windows that you can cover to block the light. The doors should also fit properly. Not everyone will be sleeping during the night though, meaning that a functional blackout is even more crucial. Consider the requirements of an aircrew as well as passengers who have arrived from a separate time zone. Their bodies must rest and their internal body clocks have to adjust to the current daylight cycle.

Bathroom areas

With bathrooms, you’ll discover that they’re traditionally positioned between a room’s sleep area and the corridor. This is because it insulates the sleeper from the corridor’s traffic. If the space is long or huge, you might need to put the bed as far from the outside wall as possible.

In countless hotel rooms, the lobby is short, or the door opens right into the bedroom. In such conditions, the light under or around the frame could be bright. A good solution would be to employ a draught exclusion strip to cut the light beneath a door to zero. Therefore guests will have a darker room.

At Coffey Architects, we’re more than capable of helping you design a hotel if that’s your intention. It may be the corridor blueprint you’re experiencing difficulties with or the reception area. Whatever the circumstances, we’ll work with you to make yours the best hotel possible. Choose to deal with architects London clients rate highly today.

If you would like our assistance, please get in touch.