Adventuring to see wonderful architecture

Coffey Architect is home to a team people regard as one of the best options for an architect London has. We would like to look at some of the most incredible structures in tough to reach locations.

Many people are spoilt by the fact that they can see stunning architecture by simply walking around the streets in their local area. Some other beautiful structures are a little harder to get to but they are worth the visit. In fact you may need to take an adventure to get to some of them.

Building in the mountains is always tricky because of the extreme environments and tough access. It can be a huge challenge to get materials to a site and erect them. As a result the success of the projects is even more incredible.

Madonna della Corona

Monte Baldo in the Italian Alps has some sheer faces. It is surprising to find a 16th century chapel floating on one of them. The church is incredible and definitely worth a visit. The climb up 1,500 steps carved into the side of the mountain is tough. Luckily people can also travel to a village on top of the mountain and take an easier route down to it.

Norwegian Wild Reindeer Centre Pavilion

The Dovrefjell mountain range is a wonderful landscape and offers visitors the chance to view stunning wildlife. The pavilion is a great addition. The glass and steel reflects the sky as well as the landscape, making it blend in beautifully. Visitors can take a 1.5km hiking trail to reach it.

The Pass Museum

This building stands out because it literally looks like it is hanging over the side of the Timmelsjoch pass in the mountains in Tyrol, Austria. The design is incredible and there is a permanent exhibition for visitors to enjoy. Visiting is a little easier than other structures on this list because no hiking is necessary.


Malaysia has some stunning mountains and forests. This freestanding suspension bridge in Langkawi gives breathtaking views of Machinchang mountain as well as the tree-lined landscape below. It is 125 metres long and also has a curve. Sitting around 100 metres above the ground, visitors can only reach it by cable car.

If you are thinking of visiting some incredible pieces of architecture these projects tick all of the right boxes. Coffey Architects appreciates the work that has gone in to completing each of them. We show this same dedication with our projects. If a challenge calls for a creative solution, we will find it. Therefore we are one of the top names for an architect London has.

To find out more about working with us, please get in touch.