Getting the roof pitch correct

If you’re currently after an architect London has no better place to look than our company. We employ only the finest people here. Our skills are extensive, ensuring we can handle your projects. Whether it is a new build from scratch or a refurb, we will come up with the right design and help with every aspect of the job. This includes getting planning permission.

Your roof is the essential exterior feature. It has even more prominence than the windows because you can see it from a distance. If you get the design wrong the entire project shall suffer. To prevent this from happening, you need to be careful with the roof pitch.

For classical houses, it’s vital for you to have a steep pitch. This is especially true if it’s a self-build that claims to be a cottage. Shallow pitches are more common on modern homes.

These days, various details make people think against having a deep pitch. Generally speaking, the steeper it is, the more materials you’ll have to use. In turn, this makes everything more expensive. If you throw one or two hips into the mix, things get ever pricier.

Reducing the pitch

Planners often ask designers to reduce the roof’s pitch. This is because the impact they’ll have on adjoining structures is too much. There are several ways to do this.

You may be planning to create a square-shaped home that includes a pitched roof. If so, then an energy efficient approach would be to use a deep plan. Lesser pitches can look pleasing on roofs where you’ve hipped every side. Usually this will look greater on square single storey homes. This is because the roofs are larger relative to your walls.

At Coffey Architects, we want clients to get the most out of every element of their building. To ensure this happens, we first look at your plans. Afterwards, we’ll make suggestions for improvements that you could make. If necessary we can re-design various things for you.

Our aim is to be the most approachable architect London has to offer. Therefore, if there are things you’d like to discuss with us, please give our team a call. After speaking to us you will see why we are the right partner.