More housing options in Croydon

You might be someone who’s looking to construct a certain kind of building. If so, you’ll want the help of the finest architects London has. We’re happy to say you can find them at our firm. We have taken part in various projects throughout the years. This includes numerous housing, cultural, and workplace enterprises.

Work recently began on the creation of 66 mixed-tenure houses on five Croydon sites. The team here at Coffey Architects is responsible for designing these homes. Each project is for the smaller sites programme run by Brick by Brick. They are a development business wholly owned by Croydon Council.

Brownfield development

This programme takes those Brownfield sites occupied by 1970s prefabs and garages. In their place there will be a selection of one and two-bedroom homes, as well as dual-aspect three-bedroom houses. According to Brick by Brick, they’re striving for half of these homes to be affordable.

Two sites within North Croydon shall contain one house and 16 flats. In addition, three sites grouped together in South Croydon will have six houses. There shall also be 43 maisonettes and flats.

Who can purchase these homes?

The market sale and shared ownership houses shall be available to local residents at first. Later on, the wider market will have the opportunity to purchase them. Those on Croydon’s housing list shall be able to purchase the affordable rented homes.

The work our firm has completed for Brick by Brick has a very crucial purpose. It’s been about changing those patches of underutilised land. Instead of leaving it as it is, we want to transform the plots into light-filled houses for sustainable and comfortable living. Our team has designed the plans for contemporary construction methods. This is so we can supply essential housing for the area quickly.

At Coffey Architects, the team members we have all share a culture of excellence. This makes us one of the best architects London can offer. As a result when you work with us we can meet your deadlines and remain within the budget that’s available.

We’re sure you’ll love the results we produce. If there are details you’d like to discuss with us, please get in touch.