How is AI affecting architecture?

Technology is changing the world every day and one of the biggest growth areas is AI. It is having an impact on a huge array of areas, from smart homes to manufacturing. It could also have the power to change architecture. As an architect London clients love dealing with, we would like to look at this area.

One thing AI can do is enhance the creative process. For example it can tackle the mundane tasks to allow architects to focus on more important details. There are many repetitive tasks that take up a lot of an architect’s time. A computer could do these tasks much quicker, especially if it has access to lots of data.


Every good building needs a solid foundation. To design one an architect has to put in many hours of research. This wouldn’t be necessary if AI could use the data and quickly compute what was needed. The computer could also give quick access to building codes and other useful information.

Parametric architecture

This is a hot topic at the moment because the theory is you can choose a design system where you can change parameters to get different outputs. This enhances building designs because it is easier to reshape and optimise them. A computer is essential for this kind of design.


It can take years to finalise a design. AI will make this much easier. Firstly it supplies lots of useful information. In addition it could create cost estimates and interpret the built environment.


We can already see how much use AI can be with construction. All you have to do is look at 3D printing. You can go one step further with this. For example robots or drones could build with little manpower.

User experience

Every building should meet the needs of its inhabitants. AI can help with this, making it easier to explore the impact of different elements in the design. Beyond this it can create smart homes.

At Coffey Architects we always embrace new technology. We want to be at the cutting edge of our industry, offering the very best services we can. When you want to work with an architect London has nobody better than us. If you want to ask questions we are happy to offer advice.