Which architectural style is which?

If you currently need an architect London has no better name than us. For years, we have steadily built up our team of experts. Each one can assist clients with a particular form of architecture, catering for their chosen architectural style. You get the right support and can look forward to a stunning design.

Many people look at buildings and are unable to identify their style. It’s difficult because you must consider a myriad of architectural clues. There are even more when a structure has lasted through many periods. Buildings tend to collect traits with time, especially if they get any kind of remodelling or new additions. We don’t want there to be any confusion when you start picking styles. Read on for some tips on the three most common ones in the UK.


This era brought the return of an array of styles. Examples include Romanesque, Tudor, and Revival. Additionally, there were influences from the Middle East and Asia. In the industrial revolution there was big demand for housing. The supply grew as a result, creating lots of homes in the Victorian style. Key characteristics include an asymmetrical shape and sash windows. There are also wrap-around porches, bright colours, and bay windows.

Gothic style

This style arose to prominence during the 12th century. It took many features and flourishes from older styles, using them in unison. In comparison to earlier styles, Gothic is more decorative. Windows have stained glass, columns are slenderer, and walls are thinner.


This is the last style to originate from the medieval period. The four-centred arch is the most distinct feature here. However, the majority of individuals would recognise the era’s timber-frame buildings.

At Coffey Architects we do everything we can to meet the needs of our clients. They may favour a particular architectural style over others. If this is the case, we’ll make sure we include all the essential details. On the other hand we can combine different elements if they want something unique.

When you want to work with an architect London has nobody friendlier or more approachable. Simply contact our team and speak about your ideas. From small projects to massive works, we can support and guide you.