Author Archives: Stephen Hall

Green sealant technologies for contemporary architecture

The modern architectural landscape is undergoing a major transition toward sustainably. It is being driven by a realisation of sustainability issues. Everyone is now looking for new eco-friendly solutions. They are necessary to minimise the ecological impact of their endeavours. We can help with this, offering the skills and creativity of the best architects in London. Continue reading

Living better in smaller homes

Homes in big cities around the world are typically getting smaller because of issues like high demands, affordability, and lack of land. Generally people who want to live in these spots have to settle for more compact properties. That doesn’t mean they have to be uncomfortable. In fact, good designs can make them great places to live. We want to have a look at some of the things you can try with smaller homes. Then, if you need help from an architect in London, you can speak to us. Continue reading

Your choice of flooring affects the home’s resale value

One of London’s major attractions is the sheer variety of its architecture. There are always people looking to add something new to the capital. Ours is a team that helps them to do this. We do so by offering the most talented architects London has to work on the designs. Whatever project it is you have in mind, they will be able to help you complete it. Continue reading