One thing that trips people up when they look at architecture projects is the constraints. Many think it will be a relatively simple case of designing their dream property, getting permission, and building it. You can even work with experts to help at each stage. But, there could be any number of things that will cause trouble. As one of the best options for an architect in London, we want to take a brief look at the roadblocks you may face.
The best piece of advice we can give here is to look at every potential constraint early in the project. It will give you the most time to raise awareness and explore the impact. You can then manage them and ensure they won’t impede the project in unexpected ways.
The first constraints to look at are those factors that will limit what you can do when it comes to the design. There will be some that are inherent because of the site. Things like the form, access, and boundaries will have an impact. There will then be some because of your own wishes, budget and timeframe. Finally, there can be limitations due to third party requirements, such as local planning laws.
Here we have any constraints that relate to the actual construction activities. There may be a number of issues that that make some building methods impractical. For example, there may not be enough space on the site for heavy equipment to build foundations or help with erecting heavy formwork or framework. A big issue here is that each task can be a constraint on following ones. What we mean is you may need to level the ground first before you can build foundations and so on.
A lot of people only focus on the budget here. While it is the major constraint, there are others to look at too. For example, you must ensure cash flow through the whole project as it is one of the major causes of delays and issues with suppliers or contractors. Plus, you could face economic constraints due to the wider economy, including labour availability, tax, and competition.
You can’t just build whatever you want wherever you choose. There are lots of legal constraints. You will find regulations in place to protect the environment, ensure health and safety, and more. Complying with the rules can be very time consuming, but is vital as the ramifications are severe. Working with a top architect in London can be very helpful here.
Issues with time management can kill projects. There can be serious constraints because of things like expiry dates on planning permission or new legislation coming into effect. You also need to look at milestones for the actual build. This will include deadlines when things must be done by. However, you also need to plan for delays that pop up without prior warning.
There is more focus than ever before on ensuring projects are not hugely detrimental to the environment. So, you can have a number of constraints in that regard. For example, there will be limits on what materials you can use, carbon emissions, waste, noise, and more. The ecology can also limit what you can do.
A key thing with projects is they don’t just affect a single group of people. There can be interest from a much wider audience, including neighbours and other third parties. In some cases there can be objections to proposals that can cause delays and even redrafts. The social constraints tend to be worse for public projects, with greater concerns about the costs and impacts.
Talk to a top architect in London
Coffey Architects has a very diverse portfolio of projects. On each one we have had to deal with a unique selection of constraints. Luckily, we can use our extensive knowledge and broad range of skills to find solutions. The goal is to make sure projects can progress as smoothly as possible to a successful conclusion.
So, if you have a project in mind, why not work with one of the best choices for an architect in London? We can go over constraints, design options, and more if you contact us.