Is building control approval required for interior modifications?

When people need help with their projects, they come to us. The reason for this is that they know they can find a skilled architect London clients can rely on. We’ve taken part in installation jobs, had a look at frameworks, and designed hotels. We can do this and much more for you as well.

One question we often have to answer is if you require building control approval for interior modifications. Not every project needs it. However, there is a basic rule of thumb here. The works could include surfaces around staircases, fireplaces, chimneys, or load-bearing walls. If they do, any revision shall need inspecting. Your local building control team will have to grant you their approval too. When the adjustments are only minor, the team won’t have to sign anything off.

Window repairs

When it comes to window repairs, you can usually perform them without needing approval. However, you might be someone that resides in a listed structure or conservation area. In either case, building control approval shall be necessary. Check to see whether you need planning permission as well.

Chimneys or bays

With chimneys and bay windows, the two are normally load-bearing. Therefore, if you wish to alter them, you must have approval from building control.

Prior to carrying any work out, it would be wise to seek out advice from professionals. Your plans may involve the removal of a chimney breast. If they do, we can examine the strength of the gable or party wall, and the flue’s height and thickness. Using what we learn, we can figure out what supporting measures will be necessary.

At Coffey Architects, we always make certain that our clients have permission to perform any alterations they want to do. As long as you have consent, you can do whatever it is you want to without fear of legal action. We are a great choice if you want to work with a competent, creative architect London clients rate highly.

If you would like to speak with us about something, feel free to get in touch anytime.