Building properties on a slope

Over the years, we have steadily built up a team comprised of the finest architects London has to offer. With their assistance, we have satisfied countless customers. In turn, they have recommended us to other individuals. Thanks to this, the reputation we possess has grown massively.

Whilst constructing a house, a slope can produce a number of trials. However, when you carry out these projects properly, the result can be worth the effort. Good designs can tackle the challenges and find creative solutions. If you intend to work on a sloping site, then these tips will prove useful to you.

Go with it

Firstly you should go with the slope. Particular layouts suit distinct kinds of slopes. Let us take a strong slope up at a distance from the road. With this kind of strategy we could create a one-storey house equipped with a garage underneath at the front. On the other hand, a strong slope down can be good for a house with a lower half storey at the rear. It’s best to consult with an expert when deciding between designs.


Stay on the lookout for rock too. Hills are normally rocky. Because of this, you can expect a sloping site’s earth to be a little emptier than expected. What we mean by this is that it won’t take a lot of digging for you to encounter rock. Knowing this, you will want to restrict the volume of excavation that takes place. This shall keep the costs within your budget.

At Coffey Architects, we do think big when working on a project. However, we don’t allow ourselves to abandon all the crucial details. In addition, we only use dependable materials that will last for a long time.

We do not cut corners in any sense. As a result we are one of the very best architects London has, able to deliver the best solutions. If we can be of help to you, please get in touch.