Are civil and architectural engineers different?

Since our founding, we have gone out of our way to employ the greatest architects London can provide. Using knowledge of every form of architecture, we come up with solutions that many would never think of. If yours is a tough project, then you’ll want our people by your side.

Architectural and civil engineers are both essential for completing a project. It’s true that there are certain parallels; however, the overall roles are remarkably distinct. The similarities usually cause people to confuse the two. To prevent this from happening, we discuss some of the major differences below.

ExpertiseOur firm employs the most talented architects London has to give. With more than a decade’s worth of experience, we can help you complete the most complex projects. Get in touch with Coffey Architects if you want to know more
To begin with, civil engineers have various areas of expertise. An expert in this field needs to have the ability to work on numerous projects. This includes buildings, roads, dams, water networks, and bridges. As a result this role embraces a multitude of sub-specialities. This list includes materials science, structural engineering, and environmental surveys.

Architectural engineers

Next, we will move on to architectural engineers. The job requirements are very dissimilar. While a civil engineer works in several areas, these engineers focus on a single construct. They can look at various aspects of this property though, including lighting, walls, wiring, beams, floors, and HVAC.

If there is anything relating to architecture that you don’t quite understand, we would be more than happy to discuss it with you. All you need to do is contact our team. Our people will assist you with your queries.

At Coffey Architects, we go through every step of the plan with you to ensure that we have a full idea of what the client needs. With this kind of effective communication, there is far less chance of an issue during the project.

Give our firm a call if you want to work with some of the top architects London has. We look forward to hearing from you and finding out about the things that make your project special.