Consider the risks of tall tower projects

Coffey Architects has spent years taking part in an array of projects. Therefore our skills and experience are very broad. Because of this, people consider ours the finest architects London has. We always work tirelessly to come up with solutions to every issue. It doesn’t matter how tricky it appears to be; no challenge is too tough for us.

During the last few years, London’s skyline has risen. This is thanks to all of the new towers. Tall blocks offer essential room for businesses and residents in busy urban locations. However, projects of this nature demand extensive and careful risk management. If you’re planning one, then you should listen to the advice below. It’ll help you mitigate against litigation, damage, and costly delays.

Increased losses

It would be wise to plan for the risk of increasing losses. Building constructs like towers isn’t straightforward. Consequently, the risks have more of an impact. Escaping water and fires can cause a lot of harm and delay any scheme. However, the effects they can have on towers are multiplied. You could say the same for inherent defects or third-party liability risk.

The area

You need to stay aware of the urban risks as well. You typically find towers in high-density settings. This means that construction happens in tight surroundings. Therefore, the proximity to parks, businesses, properties, and people is far greater. This increases third-party liability risks. Moreover, you can often spot tall structures close to key infrastructure or transport lines. It’s possible for them to disturb local operations.

At Coffey Architects, we always make ourselves aware of the risks. This is the case with every project. Our team shall plan around them and ensure that everything goes smoothly. This is very important because it can save time and money on projects. It also makes us one of the best architects London has to offer.

If you have any concerns of your own, please contact us. We’d be more than happy to discuss them with you.