Considerations for residential towers

Coffey Architects has designed all sorts of remarkable structures for a myriad of different clients. That’s not all we’ve constructed though. We’ve also built quite the reputation for ourselves as someone that can offer intelligent buildings with value. If you’re after the most talented architects London can give, then you should consider working with us.

A residential high rise could function in a town centre but we need to select sites with care. We need to safeguard designs and ensure the building meshes with encircling neighbourhoods. Councils are under intensifying pressure to pinpoint sites for expansive housing complexes. As a result they’re shifting towards high rise endeavours within town centres. This approach provides many benefits, but you must merge the towers with the streetscape and the entire town centre. If you intend to position such towers in these locales, you should consider these details.

Produce a framework

You must generate a framework to boost the benefits of towers. It’s essential to have a strategy to concentrate them in suitable settings where they won’t cause issues. High constructs can be landmarks in town centres. A good design will be a focal point to a broader townscape.

Remember views

Protecting views is important as well. The majority of strategies aim to preserve tactical eyeshots of historic structures. At the same time, they need to recognise sites that are appropriate for high rise blocks. They must also contemplate views out from the middle.


Finally, you should integrate your high rise with the nearby neighbourhood. Introducing a single high rise to a low lying community is challenging. Even so, edifices at many altitudes can fabricate a stepped effect that will look great.

We specialise in various forms or architecture, including residential and commercial builds. We remain by your side during every phase of the project. Our team will update you on developments and the most fitting course of action. This focus and our creativity has made us one of the best architects London has.

If there are things you wish to discuss with us, please get in touch.