How designing commercial and residential architecture differs

A lot of people think about skyscrapers when they hear the word “architecture”. What they don’t realise though is that this is only one small part of what it includes. As an expert architect London clients love working with, we can help with residential and commercial projects when you contact us.

Residential Design

To fulfil the needs of the people in the building, specific elements are vital with residential design. Homes require you to think about things like comfort and safety.

Infrastructural design is important and so is interior design. This helps to ensure that the home is high quality and looks great. As a result the people living in it will have a space that they value and enjoy using.

There are a lot of things that feature in most designs for residential spaces. These must adhere to the necessary safety regulations. Elements include but are not limited to staircases, lofts, windows, electrics, and plumbing. It is also crucial that the structure is stable enough and has the proper drainage.

Commercial Design

Commercial projects involve similar infrastructural integrity and planning as residential ones. However, there are some big differences. Rather than being a place to live, these buildings can have a wide range of uses. This will affect the design so you need to consider the use at all times.

Businesses can require specific elements like meeting rooms and offices. Restaurants and hotels have very different needs. Some properties may need elevators and parking spaces. A big thing to keep in mind is that it is more than likely that more than one person will be in the building at a time. Therefore you need to pay close attention to the safety elements.

Leading Services

Every project differs in terms of size, complexity, and needs. This will depend on the use of the space and what the client is looking for. We can discuss the specifications of your project in detail when you reach out to us.

Work with an expert architect London projects can greatly benefit from and contact our team. We offer support at every stage, starting off with making sure that you have the right design. On top of this we can assist with getting planning permission, arranging the construction plan, and managing the work.