Does insulation really help with energy savings?

If you want to make your home more energy efficient it is a good idea to talk to an expert. Coffey Architects is a great source of advice. We have built a reputation as one of the best choices if you need an architect in London. You can work with us to discuss any plans, whether it is retrofitting, extensions, or new builds.

Saving energy

Architect LondonCountries all over the world are looking at how they can save energy and help the environment. In the UK the ultimate aim is to become energy independent and achieve net-zero emissions. However, this is a big challenge. One issue is the housing stock is old and inefficient. Heating residential properties is actually responsible for almost 14% of all carbon emissions.

One thing that people often suggest to improve things here is retrofitting insulation to deliver energy savings. Some view it as a magic bullet. But, is it actually the solution these people think? A new study by the University of Cambridge suggests not.


The study had a look at gas use patterns of over 55,000 homes in England and Wales. They wanted to find out if there was a fall in gas consumption in particular after retrofitting.

Sadly, the big finding was the energy savings were typically only short term. For example, wall insulation only saves gas in the first four years. It can reduce consumption by 7%, but it isn’t long term savings. Installing new loft insulation would only save energy for the first two years. Here the drop in use is just 4%.

The report claims that one of the reasons for the lack of long term savings is retrofitting often comes as part of work to extend a property. The issue is it then takes more energy to heat the now bigger home.

What to do?

While the study does state there are real benefits from better insulation, it also suggests that we need to do more. For one thing, it claims that people should get heat pumps. They could help to reduce carbon emissions.

In addition, people would need to change their behaviour when it comes to heating their homes. Something like energy reduction targets could help, especially if those that achieve it got a reward such as a drop in heating bills.

Discuss upgrades with the best architect in London

At Coffey Architects we appreciate how great it can be to target energy savings with upgrades to homes. The right designs here can produce wonderful benefits, even if you are also extending the property. But, generally you do need to do more than just install more insulation. It can also be a good idea to look at things like window upgrades and new tech like heat pumps.

If you are planning a change to your property and want to look at making it more efficient, we would love to help. You can contact us and discuss ideas with the top architect in London. Together we can look at plans and decide what to do.