Living rooms designed around your lifestyle

Architecture takes on countless forms, but from our experience clients tend to want something that makes them stand out from the crowd. Experienced in numerous areas, our team possesses the skills necessary to bring you a truly unique design. If you wish to find a top architect London has none more talented than the people here at Coffey Architects.
Living rooms act as the focal point of nearly every house in existence. As a result it’s important that they are designed properly. Being expert architects, we know a fair amount about these spaces and how to tackle the designing process. We are more than willing to share our knowledge with you. The following are ideas that you can make use of to transform your own living room into an inviting, comfortable place for gatherings with family and friends.

Usually, the walls in a living room are provided with far more formal treatments than any other space in the premises. This is done because it generally functions as the most public area. In order to make it welcoming whilst conveying your remarkable personality, you’re going to want to utilise treatments or wall coverings that are more reflective of you. To give an example, if your walls were given a chic print paper, the effect would supply texture and warmth to your walls.

You may also want to think about adding more character with some architectural trim work. Trims are able to serve multiple practical purposes, supporting a door or window around its openings and covering those seams where the ceilings and floors meet the walls. The style aids in providing your home with a distinguishing appearance, be it regional, classical, old-world, or modern in nature.

At Coffey Architects, we have completed projects for clients across the world, not just for those in London. From house extensions to work on company headquarter buildings, there’s not much that we cannot accomplish. When it comes to living space we always work to ensure it complements the lifestyle of the inhabitants.

Whenever they would like assistance from a passionate architect London residents only need contact us.