A look at Paragraph 84 homes

Every construction project generally comes down to a decision on whether the benefits outweigh the costs. In some situations it is really hard to ensure you show this is the case. The toughest is when it is projects in rural settings. The risk of harm is higher in locations where there is little to no development. But, it isn’t impossible to get permission and build in the areas. We want to have a look at one way to do it. Then, if you need help from an architect in London, you can speak to us.

National Planning Policy Framework

Architect LondonThe NPPF details the Government’s planning policies for England. They explain how land should be used in different parts of the country. This includes green rural spots as well as urban areas.

The most important part to look at here is Paragraph 84. Previously Paragraph 80 and 79, but originally 55, it details when circumstances will allow the construction of isolated dwellings in the countryside. It is one of the only ways to get permission for projects.

There are a couple of key things to keep in mind in the current legislation. Most importantly, the designs must be exceptional, reflecting the highest standards in architecture. So, the higher quality and more creative the design, the more likely it will get permission. With that in mind, you should definitely consider working with a top architect in London.

The circumstances

You must also think about what qualifies a home as a Paragraph 84 development. There are four key things here.

Firstly, you could show there is an essential need for a residence for a worker to live permanently at or near their place of work. For example, if it is a farm deep in the countryside, you may get permission to build a home for the farmer.

Secondly, development may be allowed if you can show the project would make optimal use of a heritage asset. Crucially, it must secure the future of the asset.

Thirdly, a project may get permission if it involves the redevelopment of redundant buildings. This is especially likely if the work will enhance the immediate area. A new high quality home will generally be favoured over seeing something like a run-down barn or outbuilding.

Finally, you could apply for a Paragraph 84 development to subdivide an existing home. You are more likely to get permission if there is minimal impact on the surroundings.

Key details

There are a number of important things to think about here. Talking to an architect in London can definitely help.

For one, while it is a good idea to think about building a sustainable, eco-friendly home, it is not a requirement. There are no mandatory standards or credentials to factor it. Ultimately, the priority is design quality.

Next, designs must be truly outstanding. Make them bold and daring, celebrating the things that make the area itself distinct. You are more likely to get permission when the design is unique.

Always consider the plot as well. An important detail with Paragraph 84 is plots should be isolated. This can be hard to define. Typically it means they are not within a traditional settlement.

You are also more likely to get permission for plots that have had previous development. This could be land that once had a home but hasn’t for a very long time. Even if there isn’t much remaining of the original development, any sign of past use can help.

Talk to a top architect in London

Coffey Architects is a team you can rely on for all kinds of projects, including challenging ones in various settings. We work to deliver exceptional designs every time. In fact, we believe our industry has the responsibility to keep innovating and producing exceptional developments.

So, if you need some help from a reliable architect in London, speak to us.