How to make roofs endure the tests of time

As an open-minded team, we consider every possible option whilst working on a project, taking the opportunity to add beauty whenever we can. Employing the finest architects London has to offer, we produce nothing less than top quality results. Whatever the budget and regardless of your proposal’s scale, we will do everything we can to ensure that your vision is brought to life in the appropriate way.

Anyone that has designed or worked on a roof before shall tell you that the life span tends to be based on averages. This function is one of positioning, but there are certain substances that will outshine others no matter the circumstances. The guide we have prepared below has been designed especially for those who wish to get the most out of their roof’s potential.

Excellent ventilation is a necessity for roofs, a fact that’s particularly true with commercial designs. Not only does enabling a brilliant airflow aid your rooftop in staying cooler during summer and warmer in winter, but it also halts the advance of moisture and by extension, mould.

Currently, there is a vast collection of roofing materials available for you to pick from. Although this offers a wider choice it can make things confusing. Selecting the correct roof typically comes down to weighing climate and location, lifespan, and pricing.

These days, the complicated nature of roofing decisions is aggravated massively thanks to sustainability. You need to think about the energy savings specific roofs can offer throughout their lives and if you stand to gain any sustainability stimulants.

At Coffey Architects, our reputation for excellence has extended beyond the borders of the UK, with overseas clients having contacted us to assist them in their own ventures. Be it a commercial structure or housing that we’re designing, every demand is expertly calculated in ways than permit us to bring you the greatest of outcomes.

If there’s a project you have in mind and you’d like to discuss details with some of the best architects London has, please contact our firm. We will work with you to explore ideas and to see exactly what we can contribute. We are confident we can make the absolute most of your build or regeneration work.