Are we making progress on climate change?

Experts in various fields have to deal with many challenges today. In construction and infrastructure, it is vital to think about the environment and climate change. If you want an architect in London to help you consider it for your project, you can rely on us.

Did you know that concerns about climate change actually date back to the 1800s? For a long time the idea was only theoretical. However, from the 1950s we began gathering data to support the theory. Today, we can see the evidence first-hand with higher temperatures and more instances of extreme weather.

Global support to tackle it

Architect LondonWith all of this evidence, it is no surprise that people want to see positive changes. In fact, there is global support for it. A recent survey, the Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024, found that a massive 80% of responders want their government to do more in regards to the climate crisis. Even more impressive, 86% believe that collaboration on climate should have the priority over geopolitical differences.

The impressive thing about the survey is it is global. There were responders from 77 countries. Over 77,000 people gave their thoughts. As a result, a massive 87% of the global population had some form of representation in the data.


It is also important to praise the good work that is already being done to address climate change. We can see this in various areas, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, generating more clean energy, and improving designs and planning for buildings and infrastructure. Let’s look, then you can speak to us if you want to work with a top architect in London.

One of the most impressive improvements is CO2 emissions from the building sector. There have been some massive reductions in various parts of the world. A great example is the US, with levels in 2023 down 31% on those from 2005. In Europe, the same reduction was achieved by 2021. There has then been even more work to drive down CO2 since then.

There has also been a really amazing change in terms of building designs and planning. We’re seeing the creation of more zero carbon buildings than ever before. Reuse, renovation, adaptation, and retrofitting are also far more common today. There is a bigger focus on revitalising the current stock of buildings instead of demolishing them. This saves energy and resources, and reduces waste and harmful emissions.

Next, there has been a massive improvement in energy generation. Globally we now get 55% of energy from sources that don’t emit CO2. That is up from 33% in 2010. There has also been incredible work to use more renewables. In fact, they now account for 38% of energy. At the same time, we’re gradually reducing our reliance on coal, gas, and oil.

An impressive detail is the huge investment in solar. Globally, the estimate is we’ll pass $500 billion in 2024. This will be the second year in succession that solar PV has been at the top of the leader board for investments. As prices for the tech come down and more people look to generate clean, renewable energy, it is gaining popularity.

Do you want some help from an architect in London?

If you want to continue the good work in tackling climate change with your next project, you can rely on us. We have plenty of experience and can deliver wonderful sustainable buildings. We can also effectively renovate and adapt current properties to suit modern uses. Whatever you need, you can expect great things from us.

So, get in touch and work with a fantastic architect in London. We’d love to see what you have in mind and help deliver buildings that are better for the environment.