Does music inspire architecture?

Naturally most people judge architecture based on the aesthetics of the exterior. After-all this is the most visual part in the majority of cases; only a smaller number will get to experience the interior. This is unfortunate because it is the interiors that have the ability to resonate so strongly with people. A space could be inspiring for its size and height, feel cosy and homely, or be poorly-designed and sadly feel claustrophobic or jolting.
One of the most important considerations when designing spaces inside properties is proportions. Get these right and it is possible to enhance the well-being of inhabitants. Surprisingly a huge amount of effort can go into getting each and every dimension right to make sure a space feels right.

Perhaps the most famous instance of the above is the Villa Rotunda in Veneto by 16th century Italian architect Andrea Palladio. He took the incredible step to link musical harmonics into building proportions, applying the ideas of his predecessor Leon Battista Alberti. The harmonies dictated specific shapes, including a circle, a square with a very precise diagonal, and a series of rectangles.

Palladio became one of the most celebrated architects in the world as a result of his work. Villa Rotunda is widely regarded as a perfect building. Palladio recognised that people respond to mathematical rules, such as a rectangle that is based on a square plus an additional third of a square. This represents the 3:4 beat, one of the most common musical harmonics.

The idea of the harmonics is that humans can recognise when music is out of tune. We get a similar feeling in regards to the proportions of a space. Therefore why shouldn’t the harmonies dictate the proportions of a space?

Coffey Architects is passionate about creating buildings that look beautiful and have the perfect internal layout. We are proud to have grown to the point where we are one of the most celebrated architects London has. When you work with us we will put a great deal of effort into creating spaces that have the right harmonics and inspire great feelings in inhabitants.

If you would like to discuss anything with us please get in touch.