Technological development has been the driving force behind human evolution for Millennia. However, we do now have an over-reliance on it in many situations. One of them is cooling buildings. A lot of them rely on energy consuming air conditioning. But, that is bad for the environment and won’t work if there are power cuts. Are there alternatives? Surprisingly, we can look back at how people did things in the past for inspiration. Then, if you need help from a top architect in London, you can ask us. Continue reading
Optimising space with a roof terrace
In highly dense cities, finding an external space for yourself isn’t the easiest task. Some people want an easily accessible spot away from the city’s noise. If you have or are building a flat roof, you will want to make the most of it. You can tap into its potential by making it into a liveable roof space. We’d love to help, giving you the assistance of the best architects in London. Continue reading
What benefits do carpet tiles bring?
Many people choose to build their new bases in London. The city is full of variety and they want to be part of it. There’s a lot of potential here. Ours is a team that can help you in bringing your project to life. To do so, we supply clients with the most skilled architect in London. Whatever it is you’re looking to do, we will make sure you are successful. Continue reading