What types of vinyl flooring can I use?

Vinyl flooring is becoming an increasingly popular option for homes. It can stand up to tough messes, is economical, looks wonderful, and cleans up easily. This is the sort of floor cover that possesses functionality and strength with authentic style and design. There are multiple types of vinyl flooring too. We’re going to discuss some of them here, then if you need help from expert architects in London, you can rely on us. Continue reading

Creative reuse of older buildings has many benefits

There is a lot to think about when it comes to regeneration projects. It is vital to think about the environment, social value, and cost. In many situations the best course of action is creative reuse of older buildings. Sadly that is often overlooked. We want to have a closer look at it today to see why reusing can be better. Then, if you need an architect in London, you can rely on us. Continue reading