ARB and RIBA disagree on education reforms

The ARB has been working on reforms for architectural education for a long time now. Their goal is to tackle major issues in the industry, including inclusion, diversity, skills, and the climate. However, their proposals have generated some criticism, particularly from RIBA. Let’s have a closer look at the situation, then if you need help from the best architects in London, you can contact us. Continue reading

Nutrient neutrality rules to stay

The Government is struggling to achieve their housebuilding goals. In their 2019 manifesto there was a pledge to build 300,000 homes annually. Unfortunately they have been unable to achieve it. They are looking into new ways to boost housing supply with the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. However, a recent proposal for an amendment has been rejected by Labour peers. We want to have a look at this here, then if you need help from an architect in London, you can rely on us. Continue reading

What can I do with a living room fireplace?

Architects LondonPeople refer to living room fireplaces as the heart of the home for a reason. There’s nothing that welcomes us like a crackling fire. They are highly visible features too. So, you may be wondering what you can do with your fireplace. We want to look at that today. Then if you need help from some of the best architects London has, we can help you achieve your vision. Continue reading