Using glass for interior touches

When most people think about glass they will likely picture windows and drinkware. Surprisingly, the original use for the material was as a cutting tool. In the last 75,000 plus years though there have been big changes. Today you can use it for a huge array of applications, including interior touches for different properties. We want to look at some of these today, then you can choose the best architect in London if you need help with a project. Continue reading

Foundation mistakes you cannot afford to make

Investing in a property is a substantial risk. However, people are willing to take it due to the pay-off it can provide. They want their dream home, a property that stands the tests of damage, seasons, and time. Yet, this dream won’t come true if the foundation isn’t up to snuff. There are various ways home construction can go wrong. However, with a bit of money and effort, you can overcome these problems. It helps to work with the best architect London can offer too. Continue reading