Postmodern architecture on the rise once again

Our team enjoys staying up to date with developments as well as trends within the design industry. This helps us to continue being the leading architects London can always depend on for amazing results. One style of work that appears to be enjoying a revival is postmodernism.

At the beginning of 2018, 17 postmodernist buildings got listed status in the UK. This suggests that there is a growing love for the designs as they come of age.

Postmodernism In Architecture?

Firstly you need to be aware of what this style is about. The movement saw wide scale development in the mid 20th century. Its biggest presence was in the architectural world as a reaction to modernism. With ideas of innovation, uniqueness and asymmetry, it is a design style many people love. For many it is relief from modernist ideas which lack passion and variety as well as local and cultural context.

The main point is to be bold rather than using rigid doctrines. Postmodern ideas were popular for a couple of decades, appearing to die down a little as people minimised their efforts. This is now, however, coming back with more people using this style.

Its importance in British architecture is something that we need to hold onto. Postmodernist architecture is a newer concept. Despite this fact, it plays an important role in the identity of London. Its presence helps ensure that people have a dynamic mixture of exciting ideas to admire and draw inspiration from.

Architecture Everyone Can Enjoy

Within our work, we have passions that drive us like working with people, culture and light in mind. Because of them we can care for the environment, the community and the people who the project is for. We are open to different ideas to create something stunning that everyone enjoys being a part of. You are sure to fall in love with our innovative designs that make the most out of the space that you have to work with.

To learn more about our work at Coffey Architects, give us a call at 020 7549 2141. We are the architects London clients should be reaching out to when you want a project completing with first class results.