Q1 could become an iconic building

The start of January has been very exciting for the Coffey Architects team. It further shows we have grown to become an architect London clients should consider working with. We recently revealed our plans for the largest commercial project in the UK we have been involved in to date. It is our first in King’s Cross and is based at the huge Argent regeneration site.

Our plan is for a 4,323 square metre building known as Q1. It will be mainly offices but spaces on the ground floor for leisure and retail will also be created. The plans have been submitted to Camden Council for consideration.

Q1 has a very interesting shape and design. This was created in response to the challenging restrictions on the site. The trickiest of these is the fact that there are three gasworks tunnels for National Rail running underneath it. As a result the structural grid and placement of columns needed to be decided with great care.

In addition the design uses a steel frame and lightweight composite concrete floors. This will give the building the strength and stability it requires whilst simultaneously reducing the load on the site. In turn this means there is less risk of the gasworks tunnels being damaged and the foundations can be shallower.

One of the most instantly recognisable parts of the design is the irregular elevations of the roof. We designed it like this in response to the surrounding buildings. The structure will only be three storeys, surrounded by taller buildings. The design will make it stand out even at a lower height. The chamfer on the main corner is set back a little to compliment the neighbouring sports centre.

We are very excited about the potential the site offers and have put a huge amount of effort into the design. We hope it gains planning permission and work can start later in the year. If you want to see pictures of our design you can check out the article on BD here.

If they want to work closely with a passionate architect London based clients should consider us. Our reputation has grown a lot over the last few years and we strive to keep creating wonderful projects to further it. You can contact us to find out more about working with us or any of the work we have done.