Successfully introducing an extension

If you are currently in need of a dependable architect London has no better company to visit than our own. Coffey Architects has worked for over a decade to establish ourselves as one of the country’s leading businesses. Considering the recognition and awards we’ve managed to achieve, it’s safe to say we’ve accomplished this.

You’re probably happy with your home right now. Deep down though, you might be itching to add on more space. Extending your property is the ideal course of action. Each house is unique, reflecting the tastes and needs of the inhabitants. The new extension also needs to do the same.

Here are some tips that you can use to extend your own building successfully without encountering much fuss.


Something you have to do is identify what the purpose of your extension is. This is a question the majority of individuals think they already have the answer to. Nonetheless, there are typically more answers to the question than budget and space will permit. Therefore, you normally need to compromise. For every person that resides in the house, you will require a distinct outcome of the spaces. Think about who shall utilise each separate space, when they will use it, and what for.


You should research different materials as well because the choice is critical to the extension’s design. The material finishes are responsible for bringing the construct to life. You may want your extension to be a low-key refinement or stand out from the crowd. Whatever the case, you have plenty of options available. Do your research and ensure that you go in prepared. It is also good to think about maintenance and longevity.

At Coffey Architects, our driving concerns are light, culture, and people. It is our desire to ensure every space we create will set the stage for living without barricades. In addition, we want spaces to further social interaction. This focus makes us an architect London clients love dealing with.

If there are details you’d like to discuss with us, you’re welcome to contact us anytime.