Suggestions for a neutral living room

If there’s one team of open-minded individuals who can help you in completing your project, it’s here at Coffey Architects. Having worked in various sectors during past endeavours, we can comfortably take part in any venture and produce results that are unmatched. Employing some of the best architects London has to offer, you should get in touch with us if you need assistance at any time.

There isn’t anything too in your face about neutral living rooms, but this is kind of the point. Such subtle designs don’t crave attention, but rather create an elegant space that enables one’s senses to unwind. Although neutrality may be the aim, there are still ways in which you can suit the room’s style and celebrate your personal tastes.

If you’re one of the fortunate few who has striking period characteristics in the living quarters, such as a graceful fireplace and a nice big bay window, it would be more sensible not to depreciate them with an excessively detailed decorative pattern. It is here where traditional neutral designs can provide big returns.

You might wish to consider using some dark wood in these spaces. Pale varieties like light oak, stripped pine, and birch are long-time associates of the neutral domain. However, darkened timbers can look equally at home. Opt for pieces with sophisticated, slim lines, in order to present your neutral palette with a decorous contrasting touch.

At Coffey Architects, we make the most of every opportunity we are given to create something that’s exclusive to you. No matter the type of structure we are working on, we organise the requests of deadlines, budgets, delivery, and strategic objectives in ways that allow us to generate fantastic outcomes.

Should you require our aid, just give us a call. You will work with a dedicated team throughout your project and get to see why we are one of the most highly regarded architects London has.