Tall buildings are becoming the norm

Architecture consists of a series of stages that you must complete properly in order to obtain the desired results. Fortunately, our firm is home to the best architects London has. Therefore, it is the first one you should consider calling the moment you decide that you want to build something new.

An astonishing figure is that 70% of earth’s population will reside in urban environments by 2050. With these statistics, it’s no surprise that individuals are planning for the construction of more taller structures to meet this demand. Skyscrapers enable developers to maximise room in heavily populated locations, satisfy our fascination, and also lower urban sprawl.

The science behind the erection of these buildings is progressing rapidly as well. Constructs are increasing in height and possess a progressively complicated geometry. Because of this, we’re facing challenges to push the boundaries of what’s attainable.


There are many elements we must consider here, with one of the most important being materials. Engineers are consistently developing the ways in which we use substances to build tall structures.

Concrete or steel remain popular but there are also contemporary materials like carbon fibre available. Whatever the case, we attempt to include them in manners that make the towering building more productive and powerful. Robust and lighter mediums permit us to minimise loads on underpinnings, reduce the weight of the complex, and make it more economically manageable.

At Coffey Architects, we are no strangers to tall buildings, having worked on a fair few. We have quite the reputation for designing intelligent and exquisitely crafted properties. Our efforts have not gone unnoticed either, as we have received numerous awards from well-respected establishments like RIBA. As a result we are among the best architects London has available.

If you would like to work alongside us, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.