Think carefully when renovating a historic house

Our team is one that works towards a specific goal. Said aim is the accomplishment of a client’s project, no matter how complicated it might be. Having designed all kinds of buildings in the past, we are very well equipped to tackle challenges. Our company is home to the most talented architects London has available. This makes us the people to talk to about your plans.

Every architectural project is a complex one. However, historic house restoration in particular is something you have to be careful with. Not only do you need to exercise caution, but you must also look out for surprises that may lie inside. When you perform this undertaking correctly though, you can turn what was previously a nightmare into a dream home. With this in mind, here are some tips on restoring a historic structure.

What size house should I go for?

It’s likely that every aged house you come across will require a few updates, regardless of the size. If you’re on a tight budget, seek out a smaller house. They are easier to manage. Opt for higher quality building materials and try not to renovate as much.

In terms of where to begin, the masonry, windows, and roofs are all great starting points. Many homeowners fall to the temptation to paint swatches and select their kitchen cabinets right away. Nevertheless, you should focus on practical features during the renovation’s initial stages.

Will resale values come into play?

You have to be smart about your investments too. You may not want to sell, but resale value is something you should always consider. Normally, revamping costs the same amount in various locales. What you don’t want is to buy a property that has absolutely no chance of returns. Do your research and use this information to form a budget plan.

At Coffey Architects, we never lose sight of the main objective whilst on the job. Your own project may be a renovation, or it could be something similar. Regardless, we won’t stop working until you’re entirely satisfied with the results. This focus makes us one of the most reliable architects London has to offer.

If there are details you want to discuss with us, you’re welcome to contact the firm anytime.