Three ways to be resourceful with tall buildings

People are more conscious today when it comes to what they build and the impact on the environment. A crucial thing is to use resources effectively. It is even more vital with tall buildings because their size, scale and complexity can result in a huge carbon footprint. Luckily, there are ways you can be resourceful here and do more with less. We want to have a look at three ways to do just that. Then, if you want to plan a project with the best architects in London, you can speak to us.


Architects LondonThe first thing to do is focus on what you can retain. Most projects in big cities involve working with a site that already has something on it. In some cases it can simply be a solid surface such as a car park. In others it can be a building with a substructure and superstructure. Whatever the case, there may be a number of things you can retain. This will save on new resources and also means you won’t release the carbon embodied in the current structure.

You can be very creative and resourceful here. For example, you may be able to save the basement and foundation and rework the superstructure. That can be fantastic for saving as much as 25% of the embodied carbon. You may be able to retain the core building framework and change the layout. There are even ways to integrate current materials into your proposal instead of throwing them away.

Think about the weight

Heavy materials will always have a higher carbon footprint. They generally require more energy to produce, deliver to the site, and install. So, ideally you should keep their use to a minimum. It will ensure you create buildings with less embodied carbon. We can help with that, sharing our experience as architects in London.

A good strategy is to be careful with things like steel beams and trusses. If you can keep the spans smaller, it can save a huge amount of energy and make the building greener.

What you need to do is think about the weight from the beginning of a project. Start by looking at the size of the spaces and how they suit the target users. Ideally you want to optimise the layout from the outset. However, make sure you also plan for the future so it is easier to adapt the building if you ever need to.

Keep the impact small

A fantastic thing with tall buildings is even a small change can massively reduce the impact when you consider the scale. Switching to renewable and low carbon materials can do a lot of good here. While you may not be able to use them for the whole structure, any time you can save on things like steel and concrete can make a big difference.

Discuss your ideas with the best architects in London

Tall buildings can be very challenging to create. There is also the potential they will have a huge impact on the environment. However, the right design can offset problems. It can also anticipate and plan for potential issues.

Coffey Architects is a wonderful resource to have on your side. We can work with you to look at how you can be more resourceful on projects. It can make the project greener and more sustainable.

So, speak to us if you want help from the top architects in London. We would be proud to work with you.