One of the great things about the UK is we have a lot of coastline. That is fantastic for a number of reasons, including the economy and leisure. It also provides opportunities to create homes with exceptional views. However, that can be challenging for a number of reasons. We want to provide some advice about it here. Then, if you need help from the top architect in London, you can work with us.
Check the elevation
A massive concern with homes by the coast is the higher risk of flooding. This is natural because of the location. To address it, you need to think about the elevation of your home. Most importantly, you may need to elevate the piling so it is sufficiently above ground level. The height you need will differ depending on the location. Sometimes it can be as much as 15 feet. You need to plan for this and the additional cost.
Be careful with the height
While elevation is important to protect against flooding, you need to be thoughtful when it comes to how tall the building is. Plans might not get permission if the height is excessive. It is especially likely if they block views for others. Plus, the taller you go, generally the higher the risk of issues due to wind loading. It can mean more costs for materials and windows to resist it.
Design for the setting
A crucial tip we know very well as the top architect in London is to always design your home to suit the location. That is the same whether you build by the coast or in a city centre. In coastal settings though, you need to be more careful. Some designs simply won’t work for the setting, instead looking out of place.
The right materials
Coastal settings are rough on buildings. The salty air can cause a lot of problems. There is also less protection against the elements. So, you should always go for high quality materials. This is especially wise for the roofing and external walls. The last thing you want is to find you’ve chosen products that will need replacing in a short few years because they can’t withstand the additional wear.
Hire the right people
From the architect to the builders, you should make sure you choose people who have experience with coastal projects. There are plenty of challenging elements to think about here, including access and infrastructure. The buildings will likely need additional things like ties and anchors. If you work with people who haven’t done this kind of project before, you may have big delays, financial problems, and more.
Speak to an architect in London with massive experience
Coffey Architects is an exceptional company to work with. We have a wealth of experience, including projects near riversides and coastal settings. Clients can rely on this to help them create beautiful properties that can withstand the conditions.
So, if you have a project in mind and want to work with the best architect in London, come to us. You can also learn more on our website.