Ways in which we can achieve net zero carbon in buildings

Countless individuals want to build a property they can call their own. Sometimes it is the only way to get exactly what they want. Our team offers aid in this area by helping clients to realise their visions. Additionally, we offer up our own ideas, some of which the client might not have thought about. Plus, we make certain that the best architect London can offer is there assisting.

Architect LondonObtaining net zero carbon is one of the toughest challenges the construction industry is facing. It is a multifaceted, complicated issue. To meet the targets on your project you will need new levels of technical expertise. In addition, you will require radical new approaches to construction, design, and how buildings function in a community. Architects will play an essential role during every phase here.

In this post, we want to discuss some of the ways master planners and designers can approach net zero carbon. We hope the info will help you to achieve your goals.

Using materials imaginatively

One way would be to make imaginative use of low carbon building materials. Estimates suggest that concrete is responsible for 11% of worldwide carbon emissions. As for steel, it is responsible for 10%. Timber has far lower embodied carbon than these two materials. Also, its usage in construction makes it viable when creating structures with a net zero carbon footprint. This is due to the carbon that is sequestered in the building.

Here, architects have the chance to re-imagine timber construction. We can use natural materials in inventive and new ways. This will make the built environment less reliant on concrete and steel, so it will be much greener.

Designing for operational net zero

Another option would be designing for operational net zero. A building’s construction is simply one element of the picture. The operation of buildings makes up roughly 30% of the UK’s carbon emissions. That is a substantial amount and needs addressing.

By operation, we mean things like power, cooling, and heating. If we are to meet the targets for climate change by 2030, every new structure has to operate at net zero carbon. They have to power appliances and also regulate temperatures all without contributing to carbon emissions.

Architects are able to help by designing structures with an energy balance. This is where they create enough of their own renewable power to cover electricity, cooling, and heating consumption.

Tackle carbon emissions with the top architect in London

At Coffey Architects, we provide a wide range of architectural services to meet all kinds of needs. Our team are able to handle entire projects from beginning to end too. We also work closely with every client to ensure that everything goes according to plan.

So, if you would like to do business with the foremost architect London has, please let us know. We are confident we can give you the support you need to achieve your goals.