Wood is the most versatile material

When you look at different materials for architecture, versatility may not be something you prioritise. However, it provides a distinct advantage with substances because it means you can use them for more things. That can result in economic benefits. If you do want a versatile material, wood is a great choice. We want to have a look at it today, sharing our insights as a top architect in London.

You can do a lot with it

Architect LondonIf you compare the sheer number of applications for different materials, wood is massively ahead. You can do more with it than almost any other substance.

Firstly, it can be a load bearing structural material. Timber frame building is a fantastic option and can have advantages over steel in terms of the carbon footprint and sustainability. More importantly, you can create things like beams and columns that look wonderful but still offer structural stability.

Secondly, wood is an exceptional option for internal finishing. You can use it for walls, floors, staircases, and more. Again it is a sustainable, eco-friendly option. It also has the massive benefit that it is naturally warming. So, it can create more comfortable interiors.

Finally, you can use wood for external cladding. It is fantastic here when it comes to trapping heat and helping to insulate properties. Plus, it can offer sound insulation and provides more natural aesthetics. Yet again it is a great option when it comes to the green credentials too.


One thing we know very well from working as an architect in London is adaptation is vital. Every project is unique. So, you must adapt to the specifics of the site conditions, location, neighbouring properties, and many other factors. You also need to prioritise the users while thinking about the impact on other stakeholders.

Wood is an exceptional material when it comes to adaptation. You can alter it in all kinds of ways. For example, it is suitable for cutting, milling, planing, bolting, and more. Modern techniques also allow things like weathering to change the look and performance. Plus, you can look at lamination and all the benefits it can offer. There are even ways to bend timber.

You can adapt wood to suit any kind of project too. It could be a single storey house, larger scale office buildings, and even arenas and venues. There are also big projects around the world that use timber to create high rise structures. These are becoming more and more popular because of the eco and environmental benefits.

Talk to us if you want help from an architect in London

Whatever the project, wood could be the ideal material for different aspects of the design. You have lots of choice here, from hard and softwoods to newer options like CLT. There are specific materials that are better for different needs, whether it is structural, finishing, or decorative. All it takes is a little work to explore what you can use and deciding which is best for you.

Coffey Architects would be happy to help here. We have plenty of experience with timber. In fact, it has been the central focus of several of our projects. Apartment Block is a noteworthy one, with a design that makes it feel like a single piece of joinery.

So, if you want to work with an architect in London that knows all about using wood, speak to us.