Remember the law and environment when constructing self-builds

Architect LondonTo get the most out of your projects, you are going to want to work with the greatest architect London has. Fortunately, you are in the right place to find them. For more than a decade, we have been supplying services to every client that needs them. If you choose to do business with us, this will include you too.

Choosing to erect a self-build structure is a potentially unnerving decision. It is time consuming and there is the possibility that a lot can go wrong. There are many risks here. Despite this, it is an incredible feat that leaves people with feelings of satisfaction and achievement. Opting to merely buy a property won’t yield the same results. You shall be designing and creating a house that is precisely how you want it to be.

There is no need to cut corners

In order to project manage a self-build structure however, you must ensure that you remain on the right side of the law. There is one situation that no one wants to be in with these properties. This is having to tear everything down because you were unable to secure the correct planning permission.

You shouldn’t have to cut corners with a self-build. See to it that you finish all the paperwork before starting work. If you are constructing close to other homes, remember to show courtesy to your neighbours. Your project is likely to lead to a few disruptions so keep them in the loop about everything.

Think about the environment

Remember to make sure the project is environmentally friendly as well. It is a really good idea to make sure it fits nicely into its surroundings. The extra effort you make to choose green materials and technology can also be a real help. Listen to your team as they could suggest something you might not have considered. Be open to the idea of compromises too.

Working with a top architect in London

At Coffey Architects, we have the skills to help clients with constructing their own self-build homes. Whatever your requirements, we will make certain the finest architect London has is there by your side. Contact us today if you would like to work with us.