Sort out those unpleasant spaces and corners

When you need to create new architecture, the best approach is to think outside the box. Most people want their properties to stand out, and this is how you make it happen. It also does not hurt having the most skilful architects London has working with you as well. Our firm has the talent and experience necessary to help you with every task. As a result, we can work with you to deliver the best property.

Architects LondonIn the UK you have a lot of choice in terms of the style of property you can create. This gives you more freedom to get what you want. Saying this, each style of home can have unpleasant spaces and corners that prove to be very annoying. There can be an odd architecture arrangement and irregular angle. It is a vital issue that requires correction. If you can do that, you can make the most of the space you have and improve the feel and flow of a property.

To help, we have some of ideas below so you can deal with awkward spaces and corners.

A mini “art gallery”

One idea you can use is to create a mini gallery of sorts. You may find you have areas that you can’t do much with. They may be too narrow for furniture or anything else. If so, you could take the opportunity to expand your creativity. Decorate the area with some lovely art pieces. This shall assist you in beautifying the areas.

Work corners

You can also create a work corner. Many of us have had time working from home since the pandemic first hit. Some of us are doing it permanently now and may not go back to traditional working ever again. One thing you can do here is set up your workspace in one of the corners. It is a great use of the space and, with the right design, it can help your productivity and comfort as well.

Get advice from expert architects in London

At Coffey Architects, we put in more effort than any other establishment. Our team is able to handle individual parts of your project or the entire thing. Being a RIBA chartered firm, we strive to meet the highest standards every time too.

With the foremost architects London has to offer, we are more than capable of delivering any kind of project. So, feel free to get in touch if you would like to work with us.