Top tips for getting planning permission

Architect LondonGetting planning permission can be one of the hardest aspects of your project. It could potentially cause huge delays and dramatically increase the cost. However, there are a number of things you can do to improve your chance of getting approval. One thing you should do is work with us. We are a top architect London clients rely on. Our experience gives you a big advantage when it comes to applying for permission.

Below you can read some of our top tips that can help your project to move forward.

Quality designs

You are more likely to get permission if you have a quality design. You should think about the character, layout, sustainability, and how the project can enhance the surrounding area. It is also important to ensure the design strikes a good balance between ambition, creativity, and compliance with the planning policies in the area.

Do your research

Planning policies are different all over the UK. Some areas are much stricter with what you can’t do. As a result, you need to do your research to see what the rules are for your area. Give particular focus to material planning considerations. This can include everything from loss of sunlight to neighbouring properties, overlooking, effect on trees, and density. It is also vital to look into if the property has a listing or if it is in a conservation area.

Talk to the planning officer

One of the worst things you can do is fall out with the planning officer in charge of your project. Instead, you should look to build a good relationship with them. Remember they will have an important say in whether you get approval. You should take their comments onboard because they can help reduce the amount of revisions you need to do.

Work with the right specialists

A number of technical issues could delay your project and make it harder to get permission. To prevent this, you should speak to specialists so they can look at important things like drainage and flood risk, trees and the environment, the archaeology, and more.

An architect in London to help with planning

At Coffey Architects we have a lot of experience with getting projects up and running. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to get planning permission. To do so, we will ensure you do the right preparation.

If you need help from an architect, London has nobody better than us. Get in touch today if you have any questions about planning proposals, designs, or anything else.