Building a modern annexe

These days, more people are looking to make their buildings unique. It is hard to stand out when there is already so much in the world. With our firm’s help however, you will be able to accomplish this. In addition to using the finest materials and exploring all kinds of creative options, we have the most skilful architects London has to oversee everything.

Architects LondonHouse prices are continuing to rise. In response, families have become less mobile. The concept of building an annexe is quickly rising in popularity. One long standing belief is that these structures are for older generations. Many affectionately refer to them as ‘granny annexes’. Things don’t have to be this way though. They could be just as good as separate homes for younger people, including those who want more privacy from their parents.

No matter who is going to take up residence in the annexe, we have vital design advice for you to use. This can help you to create the very best spaces.


Thanks to the nature of annexes being self-contained living areas, they are normally rather big. However, you don’t have to make yours an unimpressive, boring build. Think about painting the structure using a bright shade. Make the annexe pop up against the environment. Alternatively, employ a light render that has brick accents to copy a country cottage.

You should also think about how the theme can suit the inhabitant. For instance, the annexe could be an escape for a young adult. If so, you can try a contemporary design with few colours. That can let them introduce their own personality.

Exterior considerations

There are some exterior considerations you will want to keep in mind too. If you have chosen a seamless blend between an annexe and house, think about external appearances and materials. Continue colour or material use across the structure. What this does is blend the two brilliantly, making the annexe seem less ostracised.

To mirror the surroundings, try adding big windows to the annexe, whilst enabling the natural light to come in. As a result, the interior shall feel much bigger.

Designing annexes with the top architects in London

At Coffey Architects, we can help you with any project, regardless of whether it is big or small. There is a full range of architectural services to choose from here. They can aid you in meeting even the most specific requirements.

We are very proud to have the most talented architects London has there to help. So, if you would like our assistance with a project, contact us today.